Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What is necessary for immunity and cheerfulness

There is a wish to feel vigorous and cheerful so! It is especially difficult for our organism in the spring when houses and at work constantly drives in a dream because of usual avitaminosis. To strengthen immunity and it is easier to cope with spring melancholy the complex of products and recipes will help.

Useful food for memory and a brain
The hard-boiled egg – fine food for crinkles: thanks to the holin optimizing cholesteric balance and improving memory. Having eaten egg for breakfast, wash down it not with a cup of coffee, but a glass of beet and carrot juice (a ratio 1:4).

Also magnesium, irreplaceable will come to the rescue at depressions. There is a lot of it in buckwheat cereal, cocoa, nuts, haricot, beans, macaroni, fish, the sprouted wheat, sheet greens and dairy products.
Protection against infections

The vitamin C which is contained in dogrose broth, vegetables (in particular in pickles), a kiwi and a citrus – here the undisputed leader. Everything that is eaten in the raw is useful: fruit, vegetables, greens. Pineapples and other exotic products will be successfully replaced by usual sauerkraut: vitamins and mineral substances in it is not less. Honey and not refined olive oil will add your diet.
Diet for cheerfulness
Sweets – an infallible remedy from fast fatigue and drowsiness. So condensed milk and couple of tasty cakes with oil cream of forces and cheerfulness to you will precisely add.

Dates not only will increase working capacity, but also intensify thought processes, thanks to availability in them of valuable substance – dopamine.

To remember good – and to smile
The dried apricots is invaluable as a stimulator of activity of vessels of a brain and improvement of memory. Its recommended norm – 50 g a day.

Nuts are rich with the substances which are responsible for process of assimilation of information and creation of good mood. Eat daily a handful of any nuts for breakfast – and the smile will not abandon you till the evening!
Youth secrets

White cabbage – invaluable storage of vitamins of group B (in all set), vitamin C; in it there is a lot of manganese and zinc. Its value as the natural stimulator of the cellular growth possessing the recovery and rejuvenating properties cannot be estimated.

Health depends on mood
About what serotonin – happiness hormone regulating appetite, a dream and even emotional level is known to all. But "the happy recipe" at everyone the. Sweet teeth, for example, for increase of content of serotonin need sweets, rice, potatoes or something flour. From similar food grow stout, but completely such people cannot lose carbohydrates: "shortage" of a favourite product reduces working capacity and worsens mood.

Other business – meat eaters. They without proteinaceous food, on one carbohydrates, are capable not just to lose a vitality and a dream, and to fall into a deep depression. This group of people finds a source of "happiness hormone", habitual for itself in the vitamins of group B which are a part of meat, a bird, fish and bread from coarse flour.

Serotonin in a large number is found also in cereals, bean, bananas, tomatoes, eggplants, spinach, red pepper and cheese.

If there are problems with health
Unfortunately, not always the situation is so well, as if we wanted. If there are serious problems with health, one diet not to manage. For strengthening of immunity there are preparations from ekhinatsey. They are harmless and effective. There are also more serious drugs which help to restore own protective forces of an organism, for example, of polyoxydoñas. The preparation cannot be accepted uncontrolledly at all. Only the doctor can appoint it. He will also paint the scheme of reception. Let you be not frightened by the price, a preparation really very effective.

And if there are no serious problems, it is necessary just to support the organism. Do not wait for the moment when spring bad weather and an impassability of roads cast you into melancholy and a depression. Struggle with despondency and weakness already today, in every way. And at summer you "will enter" quietly and without problems.

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